Stress Management
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Well-U offers a variety of programs and activities to University of Rochester employees to assist in reducing day-to-day stress. You can reference our Well-U Programs and Resources page for more information.
Guided Relaxation
Press pause in the middle of a busy workday to take a mental break. For 20 minutes you will be guided through a mindful body scan meditation exercise full of deep breathing and tension relief. Email Well-U to get access to the guided relaxation.
Stress Reduction Program
Well-U provides no-cost stress-reduction lifestyle management programs to eligible individuals, helping to handle stressful events in ways that result in more balance, stability, and personal satisfaction.
Group program options include:
- Stress Reduction: Gain practical skills around communication, goal-setting, and meditation, to manage your stress, improve your relationships, find a healthier work-life balance, and refocus your priorities. 5-session program.
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: Explore the studied practice of living mindfully and find out how meditation can help provide more balance, stability, and satisfaction. May include a day-long silent retreat. 6-8 session program.
Learn more and sign up for a stress reduction group program.
Stress-Free Zones
Well-U provides no-cost stress-free zone materials to departments.
What may be included in your zone (items subject to change based on availability):
- Coloring materials (pages, bookmarks, colored pencils to share)
- Temporary tattoos
- Stress balls
- Ear plugs
- Assortment of Tea
- Group activity – UR Meliora puzzle
- Flameless votive candles (2)
- Mindfulness jars (supplies included)
- Mini planters
- Building block kits (a variety of flowers & ocean animals)
Download the stress-free zone flyer.
Complete a department request form to request one of these programs for your department, and email with questions.